I found myself with a few minutes before swim lessons yesterday and decided to play with my camera at the pool. I have been totally inspired by James Nord's photos from pools this summer (here, here, here, and here) that I thought I would play around and try some of my own. Shooting at a public pool can be a little problematic. First, I made sure that no one was in focus in any of the shots. If I found someone that I wanted to shoot, I would have asked permission and all that... but luckily, for what I wanted to do, blurry worked. I was also totally worried about getting my camera wet. I know, I shouldn't have been, but because I have a waterproof camera, I treat my DSLR as if it will melt if water comes near it. It was also weird laying on the ground to get the shots I wanted to with people watching. But all in all, I'm pretty happy with my 5 minute photo project!

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