Thursday, September 15, 2011

Featured on: Lights and Colours

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One of my underwater photos was just featured on Lights and Colours. Its a great post about the Canon Powershot D10, my little point and shoot underwater camera! Read up and enjoy!

Even if you're not sure you need an underwater camera, this is a great little point and shoot! The only downside is that it doesn't fit into my pocket, but that doesn't really bother me because it has a handy wrist strap AND I usually carry a purse (plus I am a weirdo that used to carry a film SLR with her, so a bulky point and shoot is still WAY smaller than my old Minolta SLR).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

something beautiful about holding hands


After working on pictures from the wine festival (which were featured on Michelle's blog, That's so Michelle and published on Reston Style as well), I realized that this first one here is my favorite. Then I realized that I take a lot of candid shots of people holding hands. I think its that it is really easy to capture a good hand hold when you're just taking pictures at a random event without intruding on the situation. So here are some pictures of holding hands from the past year.

From the top down:
  • Michelle and Nick
  • Alix, Cole and Rowan
  • Liz and Lee
  • Rowan and his Bambi (my mom)

So I think this means that some of the best pictures don't have to be anything posed or anything obvious, sometimes just holding hands shows an amazing amount of emotion!

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

just an everyday afternoon


Sometimes hanging out in your parents neighborhood with your mom, sister, and nephew is the perfect time to play with your camera. I mean, I want to focus on children's portrait photography, so I better practice taking pictures of children, right? The fleeting light of the evening gave me a little focusing trouble, but I think it also added some nice warm tones! What I find kind of funny is that most of my photography portfolio from high school is of a different generation of kids playing around these same trees. Maybe I'll take the time to scan some of them in...


Thursday, September 1, 2011

more underwater kids

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I obviously like taking pictures of kids. I also think that I happen to be pretty good at it. So over the last few weeks, I have been trying to figure out how to possibly turn taking children's portraits into a job. I have been doing a little bit of research on the photography end of things:

  • I asked photographers I know what they charge for a portrait session and what the client gets for that charge
  • I googled prices
  • I read articles on DPS about what people charge and what other new photographers have learned from starting up
Then I have been talking to parents, trying to feel out if there is some need that isn't being met out there. One of the things that I think really prevents people from hiring a photographer is the cost. I totally get that, and I think I have figured a way to bring that down. Another thing that was mentioned is that a lot of parents just want someone at events to take pictures so that they don't have to. I'm a little on the fence about this, but that is certainly a need that isn't being met, as far as I can tell.

So that's what I'm working on at the moment. You can also buy these prints through my smugmug.

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